First hike of 2012 - 7/01/12
大屿山 Lantau Island - Tung Chung 东涌 to Tai O 太澳
Tai O |
Tai O |
Tai O |
Direction of Sha Lo wan 沙螺湾
Hau Wong temple 侯王宫
Soccer pitch
HK Playground Association Tung Chung Outdoor Recreation Camp
Monkey King Bridge 猴王桥
House, {path on left side with stairs going up to Ngong Ping 昂平}
continue straight
San Tau 散头村 45min later
Store closed, public toilet, San Tau Garden
Pavilion opposite airport 1h later - Pause break
Steep slope high, then reservoir
Then down slope, flat...
junction: if turn right to Sha Lo Wan pier沙螺湾码头 (right) 15min
We turn left: to Sha Lo Wan Tsuen (沙螺湾村)
At the junction a lady is selling rice flour cake{but-jái-gôu 缽仔糕}
Houses on right side, Garden patches
Enter what looks like a walled village –inside indicate: Sha Lo Wan Large Camphor Trees {Daaih-jèung-syuh 大樟树}
Sign: Tai O 太澳- 23min (2nd part)
Cross stream - still hear plane engines
Cross village abandoned houses on right
Garden with trees and dried leaves on floor,
Up, down. On the right: houses: former pigsties
Away from shore still bit noisy
Cross larger stream orange metal gate on left
On the left: The Temple of Kings of the Three-Mountains(三山王国庙)Groups of houses- sea-view - noise
Works – repairs - CEDD
opposite side: dogs
Bamboo bench- 50min
Place for worship incense
No view noise
Steep uphill slope
On top worship place incense
Sham Shek Tsuen {深石村- deep rock village} Name of place
and down slope
Buddhist place & garden golden statue
Cross Stream bridges (there are a few all along the way)
Houses store newly opened close /Saturday today!
House renovated right side
Place where we bought tennis ball flower.
Path leading to Sham Wat 深屈 with handrails painted in brown, imitation wood
Sound of waves
Bay {Sham Wat Wan}深屈湾}stores opened, but not crowded
Tai O |
New bridge (Tai O) |
3rd part (still 1 hour)
the path is mainly cemented all the way except for the last ½ hour.
Cold 12C? Not many people, not many flowers, grey sky
Exit Sham Wat, Cross white bridge
Turn right to Tai O
(Left up Sham Wat Road going to Ngong Ping)
Bamboo trees
up. Stairs!!
Soil path stones up
Low visibility (sea view from time to time)
Can see Tai O. 30min
Orange colour soil – earthen path.
walk under trees
Large rocks grey colour
Close to seaside- sound of waves
Orange-reddish rocks near the sea shore
getting close to water level
See temple. 45min
Flat trail no stone
Fire beaters for putting out fire
going down earth trail
Windy no more cover bushes only
winding path.~ 15min left
Low tide reddish stones much cleaner than before but still rubbish plastic stuffs
Improvement works are being carried out
Guardrails along bay facing temple
Bay - Can hear the rolls of the sea, soothing and pleasant.
Tai O metal stilt houses
almost arrived! A few min to reach restaurant
Cooler windy calm quiet
Noise engines but occasionally
Nice cool beer!
Local food
Lihn Heung 莲香餐厅.
Fish maw (fried) with angled gourds, squid, shrimps, scallops, very earthy taste
Braised taro with pork belly!!!